Skeltonic Capers

Hello Poetry Lovers

I thought it might be fun to revisit the Skeltonic corner. Not only that, I could write about my favourite themes – bed & sleeping.

These forms are great fun and you can do a lot with them. I have been quite slovenly and cheated as the lines should be very short but rules are there to be broken.

Do read on….

Skeltonic Fun

Stretched on the bed

Catching some Zeds

My inhibitions shed

Horizontal is best

More sleep to digest

The only way to invest

I think Rising at noon

Is really far too soon

To leave the bedroom

Catching up on sleep

While feelings run deep

Too tired to count sheep

My reasons are complex

And don’t feature sex

As everyone expects

Defined as lazy is fine

My inactivity is mine

Oh, I think it’s bedtime!

H Moulson 2024

Aren’t these fun, PL’s?! And I want to see skeltonic ones from you please. Answers on a postcard to the usual address….

Thanks for tuning in, Poetry Lovers. We’ll be back with more poetry antics real soon…

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