Meeting Me

Hello Poetry Lovers

I thought I’d return to the Meeting Myself platform. Especially as I’ve had an irresistible pantoum by clever poet Trisha Broomfield. Imagine meeting yourself on a bus!! Well, Trisha does, and copes beautifully, as you will see

Meeting Me, a pantoum

I met her on the bus, this me

with guarded eyes and stuck on smile

is this what other people see?

I think from me I’ll run a mile

with guarded eyes and stuck on smile

I’ll hop off at the next bus stop

I think from me I’ll run a mile

and nip into the nearest shop

I’ll hop off at the next bus stop

I’m sure that she won’t follow me

and nip into the nearest shop

or maybe find a place for tea

I’m sure that she won’t follow me

I’ll try Starbucks for a coffee

or maybe find a place for tea

I’ll leave her lagging far behind

I’ll try Starbucks for a coffee

is this what other people see?

I’ll leave her lagging far behind

I met her on the bus, this me.

Trisha Broomfield 2024

Wasn’t that a beautiful piece, PL’s?! So heartfelt. Thank you so much, Trisha. Please keep them coming.

Have any of my poets nearly met themselves? I would love to know. Answers on a postcard please….

Thanks for tuning in, Poetry Lovers. We’ll be back with more poetry capers real soon….

One thought on “Meeting Me

  1. Tricia would seem to assume coffee rhymes with tea. It doesn’t: coffee rhymes with toffee, and not with tea. Tea rhymes with McPhee, sea, banshee and with Tralee, but not with trolley. For a rhyme to do its job, not just the consonant and vowel sound must match, but also the rhythm. Similarly, Putney rhymes with chutney but does not rhyme with tea, pea, bee, tree, key, agree etc.

    I hope this helps.


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