Skeltonic Love

Hello Poetry Lovers

Today we return to the Skeltonic section, skeltonic love in fact. A very poignant poem written in this form by talented poet, Trisha Broomfield. A sad situation told in a clever point of view. I know you’ll love it.

Skeltonic Love

You say you love me dearly
but our coupling is yearly
a relationship so nearly,

another night another bed
you rest your weary head
look where your fame has led.

You’re up there on the stage
a different town, a different page
only your body you engage

while your mind remains aloof
as if I need some proof
you’ll soon be on the hoof

your talent is undoubted
and from the rooftops shouted
every rule there is you’ve flouted.

With attraction so enduring
I still find you alluring
but you only love me ‘during’.

Wasn’t that beautiful, PL’s?! Thank you so much, Trisha. Absolutely terrific piece. I can’t wait to see more.

Do have a go at this fascinating form, PL’s, I would love to see your work. Answers on a postcard please….

Thanks for tuning in, Poetry Lovers, we’ll be back with more poetry action real soon…..

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