The Poetry Basket reviews….

Hello Poetry Lovers

Welcome back to the Poetry Basket Review.

In our timeless basket today, we are honoured to have Roger Waldron’s My C&A Years. A charismatic and quirky collection of witty pieces with pathos and raw honesty. As you will see, I have given this great collection a hot review. Very well deserved.

My C & A Years

by Roger Waldron

Who couldn’t resist such an alluring and nostalgic title?!  Giving us a gateway to razor sharp quirky pieces by Roger Waldron.  Published by Dreich, with classy endorsements on the back cover. 

Who couldn’t get drawn in with the edgy Fly on the kitchen worktop, and Shop ( Lift)  Local with its black market capers and Geography teacher? Hating this type of teacher the most, I endorse this one all the way, and I wouldn’t be the only one.   Waldron’s black satirical humour will carry us effortlessly through these unique observations.  Having your Cake, a timeless expression is put to a delicate human situation while enjoying a piece of lemon drizzle. 

The ingenious My Yoga teacher puts me in a difficult position has clever ambivalent overtones, not entirely subtle but still carries a gentle subtext.  More blatant sexual proposals appear in Fighting Talk, with a predatory neighbour.  The narrator preferring a miscarriage of justice with the Police to the alternative.  Such soot-edged humour.

A bohemian feel and bond is very present in Fair is Fare with wine involved, and more delightful edginess with It’s only neighbourly like. The narrator grants sexual favours while the neighbour still complains. Love it.

Tuesday Date Night has a sad tone but like its sibling quirky pieces, it’s by no means mawkish.  Simply tender details of planned sexual antics nipped in the bud!   Dinner party has a crisp menacing text. Alluring.

Wind Blows my poetry off Course puts a natural bodily function into intricate and clever detail. The lonely, poignantly funny Some enchanted Cheesy Evening gives a sharp viewpoint of abandonment and cheese.  A Stinking Bishop will never be the same again.

We end with the frank Dirty talk, which is not remotely so, just a detailed and personal encounter that’s so wonderfully believable. 

Well done, Dreich for publishing such a unique collection, and praise to prolific poet Roger Waldron himself.  Not to be missed. 

For a real treat, order a copy of My C&A Years and follow the man himself on X


Thanks for tuning into the Poetry Basket hour, PL’s. We’ll be back with more poetry action real soon….

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